This is one for the GB list really, but given the debate here and it's
relevance to the discussion I thought it appropriate to widen the exposure.

I'm battling Facebook and it's crap set of official 'cites' which one is
allowed to select as home places. We won't go on about the location of
my own home town 'Broadway' since I simply refuse to use the Facebook
offering, but just up the road we have 'Weston Sub Edge' and
'Aston-sub-Edge' as shown on the OS map and reported by
the post office as 'Weston Subedge' and 'Aston Sub Edge'. The road signs
and official material are also incosistent, so while the signs into
Aston show 'ASTON-sub-EDGE', the ones for Weston vary between 'Weston
Sub-Edge and 'Weston-Sub-Edge' but the navigation roadsigns show 'Aston
Subedge' and 'Weston Subedge' mixed with 'Weston-Sub-Edge'.

Old maps consistently use the 'Subedge' second half and that incudes
what started the fun ... the map showing the 'Weston Subedge Halt' on
the old railway ;)

I'm asking both parish clerks just what the current legal position is,
but mapping what you see does not help.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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