I have created a style for JOSM that substitutes default POI icons with icons from Osmic. The style uses most of the 149 currently available icons from Osmic and re-uses the colour scheme used by osm.org's default style openstreetmap-carto. What I'm trying to achieve is more visual consistency between the individual POI icons.

I'm also trying to increase familiarity between JOSM's style and OSM's default map style, which might be helpful when editing. Since openstreetmap-carto also uses many of Osmic's icons making the connection between POI features on the slippy map and in the editor should be easier.

The project repository: https://github.com/gmgeo/osmic-josm-style

More details: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/nebulon42/diary/35857

Your feedback is welcome.


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