Thanks for contacting DWG, Michael. 

It is not limited to tracks=2 by the way - I have seen examples of four
tracks, all with tracks=4... 


On 2015-10-07 10:56, Michael Reichert wrote: 

> Hi.
> Am 2015-10-07 um 10:03 schrieb Colin Smale: 
>> I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
>> misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
>> damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
>> some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like
>> this: 
>> * Get all changesets from WJtW
>> * get all railway tracks from those changesets with tracks>1
>> * search back through the history to find where the tag was added
>> * see if it was user WJtW that did it
>> * If so, remove the tracks=* tag.
> I (a German railway mapper) have been notified by another user about
> WJtW's edits last week. I [1] have already started reverting parts of
> his edits. That's the way I did it:
> - Search for railway=rail + tracks=2 via Overpass Turbo (with meta as
> output variant)
> - Pick out one way of the result. If its last edited was done by WJtW, I
> had a lookat the changeset which did this edit using Achavi. If the
> changeset was mostly adding of tracks=2, I reverted it. Sometimes I did
> partial reverts if only parts of the changeset were bad.
> - If the last edit of the way was done by another user, I had a look
> into the way's history and looked for the bad changeset(s) there.
> You have to repeat this until the area which you are going to clean is
> free of tracks=2.
> Note: If you are looking at the area between Dortmund and Cologne -
> there are lots of ways with tracks=2 from old times (about 4 to 7 years
> ago) because tracks=2 has not been removed when the second track was
> added to OSM.
>> But in Dutch (as you will know) there is a wonderful expression about
>> trying to mop up (a flooded bathroom) while the tap is still running. We
>> need to turn the tap off and stop this getting any worse. 
>> It's starting to sound like a candidate for a user block until the user
>> engages in some kind of dialog.
> I have asked DWG to block him (0-hour-block) because he has been
> notified about his errors several times:
> (21 days ago in German)
> (11 days ago in English)
> (7 days ago in English)
> It is not the first time that a user used tracks=2 the wrong way. There
> were/are users from time to time who add tracks=2 because there was a
> map by ITO rendering tracks=2. I asked the people from ITO to shut down
> this map a few days ago to prevent future abuse of tracks=2 as tagging
> for the renderer. I thank ITO for their quick reaction (the took the map
> offline).
> Best regards
> Michael aka Nakaner
> [1] via my cleanup account Nakaner-repair
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