Stefan Keller wrote:
> OSM2VectorTiles is a project simplifying installation of free 
> world maps maintained by OpenStreetMap community. 

Looks interesting - nice work!

If I may just pick you up on one statement in the thesis:

"There also exists a method[17] that circumvents using a database and
directly transform OSM data into vector tiles but this does not scale for
global vector tile coverage and does not support mixing additional data into
the vector tiles.

"[17] GitHub. Tilemaker, 2015. URL
Visited on 2015-12-14."

Whether tilemaker scales to the globe has not yet been attested. My hunch is
that it probably doesn't impose more demanding requirements than, say, OSRM,
which would mean it should be possible to create vector tiles from
planet.osm.pbf with a large memory machine or EC2 instance. I would be
interested to hear from anyone who tries it.

It does, however, very definitely support including additional data (in
shapefile form), and even allows you to perform some spatial queries using
this data. See


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