That manual had a few issues on Ubuntu 15.10. Some packages weren't found, but 
it told me to install a different version altetnatively, so i did that.

The script was missing in a package, so I went off the readme, so 
I don't know if I installed it right.

And the Python issue like I said.

I'll do this: fresh install of 15.10 and I will report every error on the 
Ubuntu 14.10 manual build instructions. Would that help?

> On Jan 3, 2016, at 07:43, Andy Townsend <> wrote:
> The "switch2osm manual 14.04 lts" instructions should work ok (on 14.04, 
> obviously). I ran through them on a clean server in December and fixed a 
> couple of problems (missing "sudo"s, changed how to extract one of the files 
> as the content has changed, and added a couple of "make sure you replace 
> 'username' with your username").
> If I remember correctly, around the time that 15.10 came out a few people 
> tried it and had errors, so I'd expect any pre-existing instructions to want 
> tweaking to work there.
> From: Skyler F
> Sent: Sunday, 3 January 2016 05:43
> To:
> Subject: [OSM-talk] Tile Server on Ubuntu 15.10
> Hi, I am a linux newbie and I really want to get a tile server working on my 
> Ubuntu computer. I have been trying for weeks but nothing is working. 
> Trying from this link:  
> Everything works until I get to install libapache2-mod-tile. Even though I 
> have added the correct repository, I still get this error:
> E: Unable to locate package libapache2-mod-tile
> I also tried many of the other tutorials on the web including manually 
> building but I just can't get anything to work whatsoever. I always get stuck 
> on a "package not found". On a previous install of Ubuntu 14, I was able to 
> get the slippymap to show, but only pink tiles were visible.
> From this tutorial: 
> I am stuck in the python bash here
> python
> >>> import mapnik
> >>>ImportError: 
> >>>/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mapnik/ 
> >>>undefined symbol: 
> >>>_ZN6mapnik6filter19parse_image_filtersERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERSt6vectorINS_4util7variantIJNS0_4blurENS0_4grayENS0_14agg_stack_blurENS0_6embossENS0_7sharpenENS0_11edge_detectENS0_5sobelENS0_10x_gradientENS0_10y_gradientENS0_6invertENS0_10scale_hslaENS0_14colorize_alphaENS0_14color_to_alphaEEEESaISP_EE
> Can someone lead me in the right direction for getting a tile server up and 
> running? I need it for Amateur radio emergency communications with APRS using 
> the XASTIR program.
> I need a lot of tiles, and don't want to stress the server by downloading 
> them, so it would be great if I could get a tile server running.
> Thanks,
> Skyler 
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