On Sunday 10 July 2016, Éric Gillet wrote:
> In contrary to the Contributor Terms, these rules :
>    - Are not shown to new contributors
>    - Are not accepted by new or existing contributors

Maybe that is because they don't apply to the vast majority of 
contributors.  You don't need to accept the automated edit rules to 
contribute to OSM as long as you don't do automated edits.

>    - Doesn't seem to have been voted on before their "establishment"
>    - Seems to have been written by an eminent, but small set of
>    contributors (history

Doesn't this also apply for the Contributor Terms?

Remember OSM is largely a do-ocracy - those who put work into developing 
the rules have a significant influence on their content.  This does not 
make them illegitimate.  Both participating in creating and improving 
the rules as well as working on the DWG making sure mappers comply with 
the rules are open to everyone.

Christoph Hormann

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