2016-10-25 1:31 GMT+02:00 Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com>:

> Just a comment that I'd be wary of "No hunting", "Hunting allowed", or
> "Private property", or other signs on the ground that can actually be
> placed by anyone, whether or not they are legal.

this can be (according to the local situation/context) a problem or not
with any kind of sign, in no way related to hunting. Putting up a sign
"private property" where indeed it is public property, is most likely
illegal in any place. If you come across such illegal signage, contact your
local authorities, don't complain on the OSM mailing list ;-)

> A problem that I've encountered more than once is a private property owner
> putting out what appeared to me to be an illegal sign, like putting a
> home-made speed limit sign on the small street that goes by their house.

if it's their driveway, they can probably put any sign and it won't be
"illegal" (if it's enforcable is another question) (depends on the
jurisdiction and context (accessible by everyone or only after passing a
gate etc., public right of way on a privately owned road, etc.)).

> A similar problem that I've heard about is business owners putting out "No
> parking", "Customer parking only", "Private beach", and similar signs which
> were made to look official but actually were not approved by any government
> agency.

again, see above, contact your local authorities and have the sign removed
if it is illegal.

> So signage that you see in public is not always trustworthy, and I would
> be cautious about relying on it. Relying on official databases seems to me
> to be preferable to relying on signage.

I would rely more on local signage, because this is what you can be
expected to know and see, while some "official database" if it has all the
valid prescriptions in it, but doesn't find an echo in the actual situation
on the ground, will be hardly enforcable. In case you find discrepancies
you should/could contact local authorities and have the situation cleared.

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