Since we can now pull in large amounts of the map into 64 bit JOSM, use
search to find them, and then add them to the to-do list plugin I wonder if
that might be a better way to do it.  Download yesterday's map for a
country, chop it up with osmconvert64 into small enough pieces to load up
into JOSM.

That way each instance gets inspected manually.

What might be nice is a tool that would show a count of these or other
suspect tags by country.  The suspect countries can then be downloaded.
Overpass can give false counts if you only look at changes in the last 12
months or whatever the default is.

Cheerio John

On 8 Jan 2017 9:08 am, "Jakob Mühldorfer" <> wrote:

> Hello to everyone in the OSM list,
> this is a question about automated edits of the "wifi" key.
> The goal would be to have all these converted to "internet_access" keys.
> Blind edits are discouraged in the wiki for a good reason, so this is just
> to get some feedback on a very specific automated edit, that should
> hopefully not produce any error:
>    - Only edit whitelisted objects, where wifi makes sense. Bars, pubs,
>    restuarants, hotels
>    - Only edit a very limited selection of objects that do not have *any*
>    other tag than its type ("amenity","leisure", "tourism"), a "name", "addr:"
>    keys and "wifi=yes" or "wifi=no" or "wifi=free" keys
>    This should gurantee that no comments, no notes or other other
>    existing "wifi:" tags or "internet_access" tags are misinterpreted or
>    ignored
> Can anyone think of a case where this limited automated edit could still
> produce problems in the data?
> Thanks for feedback
> Jakob
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