About these "dark" POIs, I can claim prior art ;) Initially I thought
about buildings, but then I realized you can more easily search nodes
with name=* and addr:housenumber=* that don't have any main (shop,
amenity, ...) tag. These are often a result of iD beginners ;)
It also seems to work well in the US (18k results), but then again -
in Poland we have quite comprehensive address imports in place. Much
of these nodes are from people adding business/whatever names to
already existing address points.
The addition of addr:housenumber clause seems to reduce false
positives substantially, otherwise I'd find myself adding more and
more keys to the query to exclude legitimate data.


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 10:38 PM, Roland Olbricht
<roland.olbri...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> the next blog post is now online:
> http://dev.overpass-api.de/blog/index.html
> I will add further post once per week Monday evening without further notice.
> Cheers,
> Roland
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