I wonder what appropriate attribution for a mobile app must look like. I do
know that there are some hints about this in the FAQ


which states:


*Where to put it*

This credit needs to appear in a place reasonable to the medium you are
utilising. In other words, you should expect to credit OpenStreetMap in the
same way and with the same prominence as would be expected by any other map
supplier. Therefore:

   - For a *browsable electronic map* (e.g. embedded in a web page or
   mobile phone application), the credit should appear in the corner of the
   map, as commonly seen with map APIs/libraries such as Google Maps.
   - For a *printed map*, the credit should appear beside the map if that
   is where other such credits appear, and/or in the "acknowledgements"
   section of the publication (often at the start of a book or magazine).

If you are producing library code that offers OpenStreetMap data or tiles,
you should make sure library users are aware of these terms. We strongly
recommend that you display this credit by default when your library is

In a real world example, I have found an app which does credit OSM at the
bottom of the first screen (relatively tiny, I'd say same size as is done
in apps who provide constant attribution), but it vanishes as soon as you
move the map (i.e. almost instantly because you always move the map). Also
this attribution doesn't link or mention the ODbL in any way.

The other way to see OSM attribution is after clicking on settings, then on
about and then on "legal" (i.e. it is very hidden). The map is the main
feature of this app (its a tourist map guide).

What is your stance? I had written to the publisher and their answer was:
"Sorry I didn't see your first email. When you open the app, we also
directly provide contribution at the bottom until you move the map. See
screenshot below."

Shall I insisist or accept their way of doing it?

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