Thank you everyone for submitting session proposals for State of the
Map 2017 conference. We have a great line up of sessions this year, it
is time to share your views and help shape the State of the Map 2017

To participate in the community survey please head over to the
dedicated website. You can provide us with your OSM username to help
us with spam detection (we won’t share your username with anyone).
You’ll then get a huge page of talks to rate, sorted at random. Feel
free to rate as many as you like. Just don’t leave the page open for
too long, as your session might time out. When you’re tired of it,
just scroll down, hit Next until you can Submit your answers.

You matter in the creation of OpenStreetMap and we want your voice to
be heard in the creation of its conference. The survey is only open
until 23rd April 2017, so go to the survey now!

Please also forward to your local lists and communities!

The open source survey tool is kindly hosted by Made4it
(, a Belgian data analysis and market research

Arky, Joost, Benoît and the State of the Map team

talk mailing list

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