> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oEm

Nice tool, thanks!

Unfortunately it does not (yet)catch also the segregated and not-segregated
foot-cycle-paths that are tagged using the JOSM presets (highway=path,
foot=designated, bicycle=designated, segregated=yes|no)
I am not an Overpass-Turbo expert and don't dare to add them to your

I would like to come to a common agreement and document that
> highway=cycleway on distinct geometry is preferable to having just a
> cycleway=track attribute on a road. In the past some of the separate
> cycleways I had mapped have been deleted in favor of attributes on the
> road. The latter is an inferior representation (IMHO) because:
> 1. it makes it harder to add more attributes to the cycleway (including
> maxspeed, surface, turn restrictions, width, access restrictions)
> 2. it makes it unclear or at least much more error prone to determine which
> attributes of the road also belong to the cycleway (and vice versa)
> 3. it removes the geometric details (position, shape, unclear position of
> things between (or not) the cycleway and the road like grass, guard rails,
> telephone booths, poles, crossings between driveways, etc.)
> Therefore I believe we should recommend that fixing duplicates as of this
> thread should be done by removing the attribute cycleway=track, not
> deleting the highway=cycleway.

I fully agree on this. Please do not remove separate cycleways, unless they
are wrongly mapped cycle lanes (an error which I encounter from time to
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