Am 05.05.2017 um 00:39 schrieb Michał Brzozowski:
> ...
> Also, I see no reasonable way that upcoming EU privacy rules would
> affect us. Would they consider OSM as a special case or what?
> Everything mappers do, as has been said, is consensual and explicit.
> ...
Well I don't remember giving Pascal permission to process my data, and I
believe nobody else has :-)

And that is the crux of the matter, in a scenario in which a) any such
processing needs to be opt-in, and b) the permission for processing
needs to be explicit both wrt the entity doing the processing and what
is being done with the data, most such community activities become

Which vandal is going to actively consent to their edits being feed in
to an osmcha instance outside of one run by the OSMF? We just  may be
able to make giving such permission to the OSMF a required condition of
getting an account but that is likely going to be it. And there are lots
of other aspects that I would rather not go in to right now, as it is
just asking for trouble.


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