(sorry to break the thread; I was following the discussion through the
archive, but I wasn't subscribed)

Simon Poole wrote:
> Our concern should be more about Mexico, Brazil and other countries
> where it is at least not obvious to me if the local communities are
> aware of the issue and if we have any plan at all how we possibly could
> mitigate the impact.

Most of the affected data in Brazil is located in São Paulo city,
where we have data available from the city hall.
In other areas we have data from IBGE.
We can fill most (if not all) of the street names back again using licit data.

We are aware of the affected areas and streets.

And I guess that we can't say that all the data was copied from Google.
In some places it differs from Google, while being too similar to Bing
(unless that Google data from 6+ years ago was the same as the current
Bing data).

For example, https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/113013110

In OSM we have "Rua Rosa Marly de Souza"
In Google we have "R. Rosa Marli de Souza"
in IBGE we have "Rua Rosa Marli de Souza"
In the official city map we have "Rua Rosa Marli de Souza"
And, in Bing, we have "Rua Rosa Marly de Souza"

See the word "Marly" (in OSM and Bing) and "Marli" (everywhere else)

Another example https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/48514142

In OSM we have "Rua Professora Maria José Baroni F. da Silva"
In Google we have ""R. Profa. Maria José Barone F. da Silva""
in IBGE we have "Rua Professora Maria José Barone F. da Silva"
In the official city map we have "Rua Professora Maria José Barone
Fernandes da Silva"
And, in Bing, we have "Rua Prfa. Maria José Baroni F. da Silva"

R. expands to Rua
Profa. and Prfa. expands to Professora

Take a look at "Baroni" (in OSM and Bing) vs "Barone" (in everywhere else)

Another https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/131816621

In OSM we have "Rua das Margaridas"
In Google we have "Rua Margarida"
In IBGE we have "Rua Margarida"
In the official city map we have "Rua Margarida"
In Bing "Rua das Margaridas"

"Rua das Margaridas" (OSM/Bing) vs "Rua Margarida" (other places)

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