
I have a dispute with user Verdy_p on the sections "Importing geodata
from Wikipedia" and "Importing geodata to Wikipedia" of the wiki page
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_Wikipedia and
would like to get comments from other members of the OSM community
because edit wars are a waste of time.

That's the state before I started editing yesterday:
That's the state after my changes:

I added two red warning Ambox templates to make clear that we do not
copy data from Wikipedia (see Mateusz's posting on the legal situation
of imports from Wikidata which is pretty similar
In addition I shorted the section "Importing geodata to Wikipedia".

I think that the section "Importing geodata to Wikipedia" is a mess and
found it difficult to read. It contained lots of information which is
not necessary for OSM. I think that the question if someone may copy
data from OSM/Wikipedia/Wikidata to Wikipedia or Wikidata should not be
discussed in the OSM wiki in full length. Instead, the wiki should link
to a page at *.wikipedia.org or *.wikidata.org or the WMF wiki/website.
If the opinion of the OSM Foundation differs, it should be mentioned or
linked from the OSM wiki. Any further discussions whether two licenses
are compatible and how relicensing of the content of Wikipedia works
should be discussed outside the wiki (at a blog, mailinglist or personal

It happened as I expected. Verdy_p restored the deleted sections.

What is your opinion?

Best regards


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