It is meant to be readable for non-members, right? So what exactly has the
fact you can't post as a non-OSMF member to do with being or not being
listed on listinfo?

Op 20 dec. 2017 12:57 a.m. schreef "Tom Hughes" <>:

On 19/12/17 22:51, Sérgio V. wrote:

> but I can't find the link to osmf-talk in the listinfo.
>>   I'm not sure why it wasn't listed on that page, but there is a link to
> the OSMF-talk archives from the Wiki
> Ok, thank you both. I've found it, as I've quoted it.
> But it's actually not easy to find like the others are, just
> by the listinfo.
> Long time it took to me to realise OSMF-talk exists. Ok, perhaps I'm not
> that wiki expert.
> But would it be nice to have it listed in listinfo? Like all the other
> mailing lists are? Easy to find, for everyone.
> Then probably more OSMers could read it; also perhaps considering join it.
> Or, at least, why isn't it listed in listinfo?

As I explained yesterday it is a private list open only to OSMF members.


Tom Hughes (

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