Good morning Ilya,

At the page:

there is a sentence with a mistyped word "ot":

"Right mouse button click opens a popup menu, from which you can enable a map layer with all nearby users on it, copy selected text to a clipboard, ot open a tab for talking with a nearby user privately."

I want to correct it, but I am not sure if it should be "to" or "or", as I just installed the plugin.

Best regards,
OSM: Alex-7

On 07.01.18 17:00, Ilya Zverev wrote:
Paul wrote:
Is GeoChat <> down or defunct now?  I haven't been able to connect to it in a couple days now.

Sorry Paul, that was caused by forcing https on all OSM servers. Java, turns out, does not auto-redirect from http to https. I've just updated the URL in the plugin and tested that it works.

Nice to hear somebody uses it :)


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