El 17 feb. 2018, a la(s) 06:56, Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch> 

> This article is on the front page of the Slashdot today:
> Fri 16 February 2018 "Why OpenStreetMap is in Serious Trouble"
> https://blog.emacsen.net/blog/2018/02/16/osm-is-in-trouble/
> "The Future of Free and Open-Source Maps"
> https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/02/16/2216228/the-future-of-free-and-open-source-maps
> I actually read the article, and though it has got insightful information and 
> interesting ideas, I have doubts about some suggestions.
> For instance, reviews. I hope it will not come to what there is at some 
> commercial maps, when one adds say a building and then has to wait for a 
> month that an almighty moderator approves it, so that it appears on the map.

There is a big technical problem with reviews too, which is conflicts. 
Currently you get an edit conflict if someone makes another change to the same 
objects after you download map data and before you upload your changes; but 
usually that's a short period of time.

If changes are held for review and only "merged" back to the main database 
after they were reviewed, conflicts can happen if there is an edit between 
downloading the original data and someone approving your change, which could 
happen days or weeks later. Thus, such conflicts will be a lot more frequent. 
Who will resolve the conflict? The editor or the reviewer? And will we need 
some very smart software to try to auto-resolve some kinds of merge conflicts?

The other obvious problem is: do we have enough experienced and motivated 
people to do the reviews and keep up with the rate of incoming changes?

Finally, will this need tiering of users? If experienced users can make changes 
bypassing the review process and/or only experienced users can review other 
people's changes, who decides when you get the "experienced" flag and under 
what criteria?

All this also makes me think that the individual points of the blog post may 
need to be discussed separately. It's not a single all-or-nothing proposal, 
it's a list of mostly-independent identified problems, and some are more 
feasible to solve than others.

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