
I can see you are correct that user "4719341" created thousands of
roads which are incorrectly tagged tertiary.  Looking at the aerial,
almost all of them should be correctly tagged "unclassified" or
"track"; very few are actual tertiaries.  They did this across almost
the entire Magway Region

Of course the best thing would be to try to contact the user and get
them to fix their own tags (and of course, any future roads that they
make).  If that does not prove possible or they are unwilling, then a
possible answer to "how can this be repaired", is:

1. Load the whole Magway region into JOSM.
2. Find their work using a search (type:way user:4719341
highway:tertiary) (I did this, and found around 17,000 results)
3. Mass-change those ways to unclassified.
4. In a subsequent manual pass, correct the tagging to track (perhaps
30% of their work) and actual tertiary (perhaps 2%).

That way, only a minority of the roads would have to be manually
changed, because unclassified is correct for the majority.
Naturally, we should wait to hear from the user first.


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