On 18 April 2018 at 06:30, Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:

> (My personal feeling is that that it's better to avoid mapping sidewalks
> as separate ways unless there's a compelling reason that would outweigh the
> additional data clutter and routing complications. In some circumstances --
> those where walking on the sidewalk, or on a particular side of a road with
> two sidewalks, has noticeably different routing implications -- it seems
> like a good idea.)

It means less tags on the road which makes it easier to edit manually. A
road already has:

highway, surface, maxspeed, maxweight, maxheight, width, oneway, access,
lanes, turn:lanes, lit, parking:lane:left, parking:lane:right,
parking:condition:left, parking:condition:right,parking:lane:left:type,
parking:lane:right:type, etc.

A sidewalk also has it's own:

maxspeed (some places where bicycles can use the sidewalk and sections have
signposted speed), maxweight, width, access, surface

On top of that the highway needs to be split every time just one of those
tags changes meaning you end up with many short segment ways.

I realise editors can and do abstract some of this, but if we can put all
those sidewalk attributes on their own ways it makes it much easier to map
by reducing the complexity of the highway centerline.

It means we can use say the exact same tags on the separate sidewalk rather
than prefixing them with sidewalk:left:width, sidewalk:left:bicycle, etc.
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