On 23/04/2018 03:40, Jack Armstrong dan...@sprynet.com wrote:
I fully support the efforts of Nakaner. There are 6-8 users creating a mess in the Denver, Colorado area.

What'd really help matters would be if local mappers could comment on changesets by new mappers (both "good" and "bad").  I see that someone's already commented on a couple of the "thousands of node additions" that you're presumably referring to here (if that was you - thanks!), but often locals are by far the best people to say "that doesn't look correct".  See https://openstreetmap.org/changeset/57929974 for an example near me by one of the "organised" mappers that alerted GB and DE mappers to the problems there.

See here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?node=5538075288#map=19/39.71967/-104.98736

That actually appears to be by a mapper using a different process (JOSM) but adding things in some of the same areas (LA, Denver) as the other group.

Best Regards,


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