I found another OSM page directed at OSM-Wikimedia collaboration [1]. This one 
encourages OSM users to add images of OSM maps to Wikimedia wikis as static 
graphics. As such, I wonder if advances in placing dynamic dynamic maps in 
wikis (though mapframe and maplink has made this page somewhat out of date? I 
don’t feel that I have the standing in the OSM community to update such a page…

And please remember to suggest a short list of OSM Help pages that will be 
useful for Wikimedians coming to OSM for the first time to add multilingual 
names. Thanks!  


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_Wikipedia 

Joe Matazzoni 
Product Manager, Collaboration
Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco

"Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum 
of all knowledge." 

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