This may be better stored in Wikidata. And the OSM school object simply
points to wikidata.

Wikidata has support for such historical statistics data.


2018-05-27 13:14 GMT+02:00 Tom Pfeifer <>:

> On 27.05.2018 12:47, Gaurav Thapa wrote:
>> Recently, in Nepal we have been getting more and more requests from
>> government and private schools to be able to upload more information about
>> their schools to OSM. These in particular include detailed data such as
>> number of boys in grade 1, number of girls in grade 5 and number of
>> permanent staff etc. This data is nationally collected every year by
>> schools and are seen as valuable in letting schools, communities and
>> districts know where there are failing girls in the education ladder or to
>> just understanding general diversity in schools.
> The 'capacity' key is widely used for schools and kindergarten facilities,
> for the whole object, thus it indicates the size.
> I would not encourage annual statistics about number of pupils in each
> grade in OSM. This can be overlaid from separate databases.
> I was initially planning on posting this in the Nepal talk list but
>> decided that this might be something other countries might be interested in
>> as well hence sharing it here. Current, tags that I have found are more
>> generic such as isced:levels=* and grades=*. Do you suggest that we propose
>> tags specifically to Nepal or do you even think data such as this should be
>> in OSM?
> isced:levels=*  is internationally valid and widely accepted.
> grades=* was recently pushed by an individual Canadian mapper and is
> controversial since it is heterogeneous in meaning between countries, and
> even within the same country different counting is used (e.g. starting to
> count grade 1 again for the secondary school).
> tom
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