19. Jun 2018 21:46 by mmd....@gmail.com <mailto:mmd....@gmail.com>:

> Take a look at the following presentation by Boris Mericskay, which is
> one of the best and most up to date presentations on Overpass API and
> overpass turbo I'm aware of (yes, some 0.7.55 features are missing, but
> that's ok).
> https://www.sites.univ-rennes2.fr/mastersigat/Cours/2018_SOTM_APIOverpass.pdf 
> <https://www.sites.univ-rennes2.fr/mastersigat/Cours/2018_SOTM_APIOverpass.pdf>
> I believe this material has also been presented at SotM France 2018
> recently. It's all in French, but that shouldn't really be a big issue :)

Thanks! It will be useful as an inspiration, and surprisingLY French is not a 


(and sorry for a typo in the name of this excellent project!)

19. Jun 2018 21:53 by saba...@gmail.com <mailto:saba...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,> There was this GSoC project> https://github.com/osmlab/learnoverpass 
> <https://github.com/osmlab/learnoverpass>

Interesting, though it appears to be unfinished (hopefully not abandoned, I 
made some 

test pull requests).

But it also will be very useful, thanks for linking it!

It seems that what I planned was not really done, I am planning to start from

something even more simpler and less technical.

Is anybody aware about some further examples of overpass for beginners?

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