I just tried to create the 3-words address for a building in Odessa, Ukraine. The system suggested "dressings.cookies.brothers". It would be close to impossible to transmit these three words over the telephone to a local taxi dispatcher.

Some people may just not know English words well enough. The same about 8 English letters. But 8 Cyrillic letters may work. If the UTF8 encoding is used in a database then both Latin and Cyrillic letters could be used, and, perhaps, other scripts.

The lattitude and longitude numbers will not reflect the apartment level, entrance lock code, name, and other information.

The classic addresses are also somewhat outdated in this respect. For example, when I order a delivery, I must provide also the level and entrance code, otherwise a courrier will not be able to deliver an order.

If the database is not big for 3-words, it would be even smaller for 8-letters approach. So, probably, it could fit on a mobile device, at least for one country or a region.

Best regards,

Sent from my Huawei Mobile
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