We released iD v2.10.0 last week!  

📝  OSM Notes  
You can now create, comment on, and resolve OpenStreetMap notes from within iD! 
 This work was done as part of Thomas Hervey's 2018 Google Summer of Code 
project, and you can read about it in his diary here:  
Thanks Thomas Hervey and mentor Marc Farra!
Activate the OpenStreetMap notes layer by opening the Map Data pane (shortcut F)
Let’s close all the notes! 

🔧  Detach Node
We've added a new Detach Node operation to remove a tagged node from a way. 
Thanks @Psigio!
With a node selected, use the right-click edit menu to find the Detach command 
(shortcut E)

↗️  Resizable Photo Viewer
The photo viewer (Mapillary, OpenStreetCam, and Bing Streetside) is now 
resizable by dragging any of its edges.  Thanks Matias Volpe!
Try activating one of the streetlevel photo layers (shortcut F) and resizing 
the viewer.

As always, the update includes several other usability improvements and new 
presets - check out the changelog for all the details.

v2.10.0 Changelog:  

v2.10.0 announcement:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/1022527242193252356 
OSM Notes: https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/1019021979117072386 
Detach Node:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/1021448718111985664 

State of the Map!!
I gave a lightning talk about iD at last week’s State of the Map conference in 
Milan!  ⚡️
So many features have shipped in the past year, I had to really race to get 
through it all.
You can watch it here:  
Or share this Tweet:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/1023707520525901824 

Follow and star the iD project on GitHub to show your support:  
https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD <https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD>
And follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/bhousel 
<https://twitter.com/bhousel> for the latest iD news. 

Thank you!
❤️ Bryan, and the rest of the 🆔 team.

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