On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 22:58:07 +0200
Christoph Hormann <o...@imagico.de> wrote:

> On Wednesday 22 August 2018, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> > > Specifying addr:street on a building that does not have an address
> > > is either pointless or non-verifiable.  
> >
> > But this happens here :-)
> > Sometimes they are big buildings/areas (which occupies a whole city
> > block, for example), with addr:street, addr:postcode but no
> > addr:housenumber  
> You probably have to give a real world example since i have no idea
> if you want to say you have a building with a unique address
> consisting of addr:street and addr:postcode (could be if there is
> only one building at this street or with this postcode) or if you
> want to defend pointless or non-verifiable tagging of addr:street for
> buildings without a unique address.

As a rather extreme first-world example, the address of
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/132723167 is:

name=Grand Canyon North Rim Lodge
addr:city=North Rim

Not only does the building not have a house number, house name, or
other house identifier, the road it's on isn't named either.  When
there's only one road in town, and that road only has one building that
receives mail, you don't need much in the way of identifiers.


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