I just published a study on the OSM buildings geometry for 12 cities, providing 
indicators and visualisations to help monitor the OSM data in these cities. 
See https://twitter.com/pierzen/status/1034529503740080128
 This is part of OpenDataLabRDC initiated by OSM-RDC and Potentiel 3.0 with the 
objective to share with other communities to enhance the OSM database.

Some would say that there are a lot more indicators in Quality tools such as 
Osmose, KeepRight and OSM Inspector.  Our approach is to provide indicators to 
monitor a territory and the Map visualisations to highlight quality problems. 
It would be great if we could have global indicators for an area coming out of 
these tools.

The number of contributors is limited in Africa and the risk is that errors 
created by mapathons while participating to Crisis responses stay has is for 

The buildings geometry and overlaps are problems that are often mentionned. Our 
approach is to identify buildings traced with irregular forms to examine if 
they correspond to the real architecture of buildings or in fact are imprecise 
tracing of buildings. Various factors can contribute to that such as lack of 
details / inprecise imagery for an area, dense urban or unplanned urbanisation 
areas, or simply participation of new contributors to various Tasking manager 
projects without sufficient training and control of data quality by the 
Quite surprisingly, the ratio of Irregular buildings vs Total buildings for an 
area vary a lot, from 1.6% in Kisenso, Kinshasa (DR Congo) to 72.4% in 
Victoria, Seychelles. Fo Building overlap errors, we see it varying from 0.2% 
in Accra to 24% in Pointe-Noire, Congo-Brazzaville. 

In fact, the tasking manager instances are good to distribute tasks among a 
great number of simultaneous participants, but for monitoring, management of 
mapathons in particular, we need to find solutions that assure a better OSM 

Note that Kinshasa in DR Congo is part of the 12 african cities who started 
recently their participation to Open Cities Africa. This project is part of the 
World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) 

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