26. Oct 2018 14:22 by v...@live.at <mailto:v...@live.at>:

> I am planning to develop an mobile app to optimize ski area data provided by 
> OSM. The user should be able to use the app for locating him- or herself in a 
> ski area and have a look at all the different slopes and lifts and all their 
> details.

See StreetComplete - https://github.com/westnordost/StreetComplete 

Maybe parts can be done also as SC quests. It is also likely that some 
libraries made by

Westnordost will be useful for you.

> What would you recommend regarding authentication? Is it ok if users of my 
> app are committing data on my behalf or should all users have their own OSM 
> account?

Do you want to be directly responsible for all edits made by users (not only 

responsible as the editor author)?


> If users have their own account, is it possible and ok if I prepare the data 
> with my algorithm and commit the data on their behalf?

Yes, see StreetComplete. Note that in this case you are fully responsible for 
all mistakes

made by the algorithm (there were already bugs in StreetComplete that resulted 
in review

of all possibly affected changesets).


> In general, what is your recommendation regarding this kind of third-party 
> integration?

See StreetComplete, it works well and code is likely to be reusable (assuming

that you accept the license).

> What do you think of my idea?

I would strongly suggest to start from looking at what can be implemented as a 

quests - there is already some pool of people using this editor and it may be 
better to start from

the simplest possible task. Making a new editor is a huge effort.
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