On 22/11/2018 18:53, Victor Shcherb wrote:
In that case I would actually support idea of deleting all country boundaries to avoid this question completely.

There are numerous sets of data within OSM that are disputed and one 'controlling body' or another would prefer was not published at all. The best that can be done is for local displays of that data to provide local filters. Simply deleting data is never going to be the right solution, but allowing tools that censor the data is equally controversial.

For the point of view of OSMAND, the display needs to know where one can drive and where one will be stopped and need paperwork to proceed. THAT in my book is the simple ToTG because it is flagged by something physical. That some areas don't actually have 'border posts' does create a problem, but as an 'outside visitor' to the Ukraine or Cyprus, where can I drive and where could I run into difficulty if I do drive into a disputed area. It's the grey areas that are something that will cause problems and may require projects like OSMAND to censor data based on the user view? I doubt that OSM services are really able to manage this area in a generic way?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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