On 3/26/19 8:31 PM, john whelan wrote:
Apparently I'm the mapper who is the 4th in Mali and currently I do not map for HOT.
HOT does not have a monopoly in Mali.

Yes - rural Mali in Openstreetmap owes a lot to you. I'm the one who is first on that list (I'm more a urban mapping sort or person), I'm not HOT and neither is the second (someone on an Apple project - he did nice work on the riverbanks). The three of us represent two thirds of all map changes in Mali in the last two months.

Anyway, we are foreigners.

The locals on the other hand, a very large portion or which (among the top 20 people alone, I estimate 7 people, reaching around 19% of all changes, mostly buildings <muffled sobs>) are socially connected to Nathalie Sidibé, who sits on the HOT board. The #Hotosm tagged and tasking-manager coordinated changes are only the visible part. Francophonie-connected people have led some significant efforts in the past, but HOT's comparatively large budget goes a long way in those parts - in terms of social reach.

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