May 20 2019 at 14 h 02 min 51 s UTC−4, Stefan Keller <> wrote 
> Trying to get focus back on the thread topic.

> Storing hints like nosquare=yes (or square=no) is not best practice of
> data curation on w worldwide level.
I dont think either that this is the solution.  We have to look where these 
problems come and try to correct from the source.  Adding  such tag will not 
help software tools to identify where we have problems and can create some 
missunderstanding about its meaning. And experienced mappers are more and more 
reluctant to correct inprecise building mapping.

For Newbies, Building Quality Analysis last year this show some Tasking Manager 
projects with some 60% of unsquarred buldings (see!
The same problem for the DR Congo Ebola response in november where we had to 
restart mapping Butembo in an emergency response and restrict mapping to 
experienced mappers.

For an editor like iD, it can participate with other solutions like better 
training to assure that Newbies understand what Building tracing really mean 
and give then some feedback, like for example saying before save "You have 10 
over 12 buildings that are unsquarred.  If you dont know how to make 
rectangular buildings, you should ask for help before you continue.  Do you 
want to send data anyway ?"

We have the same problem with some Building import projects and I think that 
this needs to be fixed where it originates, before it goes in the database.  
For newbies, this mean more training and monitoring in particular in the 
context of Mapathons.
For Imports, this mean to analyze carefully and correct the data before the 
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