4 Jun 2019, 13:14 by roland.olbri...@gmx.de:

> Hi,
>> reading the discussions about the direction of ID development and how
>> the community wants the ID at the OSM website I had the idea that there
>> could perhaps be a panel at SotM. Does anyone want to organize an ID
>> discussion panel at SotM? Please tell me or us (program committee in CC)
>> and we can consider it. At the moment it would be sufficient to have
>> someone (or more) who wants to organize it. All details could be defined
>> later.
> I volunteer to run of birds-of-a-feather on
> "New processes to agree on tagging suggestions and their interaction
> with the editing software available on openstreetmap.org"
> (Feel free to shorten th title as you see fit).
Sounds very interesting!

> This gives people not attending the conference better
> chances to get involved.
Especially this part.

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