I believe there are some (limited) contexts in which proposed routes can and 
should be added to OSM.

For example, in the USA, we have bicycle routes in our numbered national 
bicycle route network (USBRS, see 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/United_States_Bicycle_Route_System, tens-of-thousands 
of km) after they are selected / maintained by the state ("middle-level," 
admin_level=4) Department of Transportation and formally proposed to the 
national body (AASHTO) which designates and catalogs them, but not until they 
are approved by AASHTO.  This "very high bar standard" which has evolved since 
2012-2014 allows these sometimes quite lengthy route data (>1000 km in some 
cases) to be carefully entered into OSM (route relation tagged state=proposed) 
while AASHTO takes time (about 2-3 months) to vote them up or down.  (AASHTO 
always approves these proposed routes, but it might not, in which case OSM 
would simply delete the entered route data).  OSM-US requested and received 
from AASHTO specific permission to enter and use the data like this (click the 
link in the wiki for the formal letter).

As it can take several months to enter these rather substantial data, and 
AASHTO works its own "ballot" process in the meantime, OSM has reached a 
consensus to enter these routes as proposed while they are "on ballot, being 
considered for approval."  After approval, we simply remove the 
"state=proposed" tag.  Then OpenCycleMap's (OCM's) dashed lines which display 
for "proposed" begin to render as solid lines, meaning "a real route is here."  
Official (national standard, MUTCD) signage usually follows on-the-ground.

Many maps do this or something very much like it.  Often there are even TWO 
"pre-reality" route designations, "proposed" (which I agree, can be 
controversial if/as entered into OSM "wrongly") and "under construction."  As 
the latter is a much more "on-the-ground" reality that most OSM Contributors 
can agree deserves entry, we have tags for "construction" which do render in 
Carto (and other renderers).  These "construction" tags accurately convey what 
is on-the-ground in the real-world.  But proposed, much less so.  As an example 
of these data being in OSM + useful and in OSM + ignored:  OCM displays 
proposed routes (as dashed lines), though the Lonvia bicycle route renderer 
(waymarkedtrails.org) simply ignores them, not displaying proposed routes at 
all.  This seems correct:  put the proposed route data in the map, let the 
renderer of your choice decide whether or not they are rendered.

From these USA experiences, I encourage those curious to read the wiki above 
(especially "high bar standards" in its Proposed section), as well as 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/United_States/Bicycle_Networks, where we recently 
added an initial "What to map" section saying what TO map (real infrastructure, 
real routes, especially when signed or on a government-published map) and what 
NOT to map (routes on a planning map, aspirational routes, unfunded routes, 
route "recommendations" or "rides" published by a third party, as these may be 
ephemeral or subjective).

OSM (in the USA, I'm not sure about elsewhere) also has the convention of 
tagging unsigned_ref=* to designate the number of a route which exists in some 
legal sense, but which remains unsigned on-the-ground (for various reasons).

For national bicycle routes in the USA, this process of consensus was somewhat 
contentious, taking several years to fully evolve.  Like any successful 
compromise (often what a consensus ends up being), not everybody was completely 
happy with its finality, but because it was discussed (widely and at high 
levels), is documented and therefore is or can be fully understood, it works 
well.  There is every reason to believe it will continue to work well going 

As Mateusz says "unsigned routes are at best questionable content," I'll only 
slightly disagree with him:  where unsigned and/or proposed routes can truly 
parallel a large effort to get substantial data into OSM over a medium- or 
longer-term time frame (weeks, months, even years, as some projects like 
high-speed rail can even take decades), there ARE circumstances where 
state=proposed or unsigned_ref can facilitate good route data entry into OSM.

Thank you for reading,

> On Aug 14, 2019, at 1:29 PM, Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com> 
> wrote:
> 14 Aug 2019, 16:46 by talk@openstreetmap.org:
> not maintained at all
> Note that unsigned routes are at best questionable content in OSM.
> And proposed, gone, planned are even more questionable and something that
> should be deleted rather than added.

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