On the SMS front, it is not a question of an app but the receiving organisation

Internationally 112 is the single number that is allocated to emergency 
services from cell phones.
In some countries that gets you a call centre that then sends you off to the 
police, fire or ambulance. in other countries you may end up with only the 

Having them all contactable by SMS would be nice... but I don't think it is 
going to work world wide for many years.

On 18/08/19 13:00, stevea wrote:
As I think about it, there's likely E911 (in the USA) organizations (standards bodies, coordinating 
mutual aid people...) who either are talking about this or already have.  I imagine an app which is 
smart enough to "burst off to all possible channels of communication, whatever your emergency 
response network is able to absorb" (text, voice, GPS text SMS of decimal lat-lon...) because 
this is an app I downloaded in case I needed to send my location to emergency rescue-type agencies 
via this smart phone, and I'm clicking on the app (and confirming to "send my location to 
emergency authorities?" now).  Such apps usually revise and get smarter and more coordinated / 
localizable / extensible / smarter as time goes on, anyway.

Again, this doesn't seem too difficult to get coordinated and build an app and develop the syntax 
and functionality so it is localizable and flexible enough to "do the right thing(s) in 
context" (of whatever country or G3, G4, G5, 911, 999, whatever..) tech / country / system / 
network / whatever.  Not a no-brainer, but it seems like if humanity doesn't have this app (and 
people downloading / installing it by 2020), we might be lagging a little bit.  Let's sew up the 
loose edges here and maybe OSM discussing amongst ourselves on talk turns into (by 2021) stories of 
"we saved the lost family in the desert...", too.  It's not farfetched.

Really, a lot of good ideas and "W3W inspires OSM to standardize a 'plain vanilla' version of 
this" (and maybe OSM has something to do with a sort of "generic, install on your phone 
as a good idea," maybe not) here.

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