
I'm happy to help out understanding the report of the discussion session.

It has been a talking point that the wiki should be purely descriptive.
There is no objection that people sort out tagging questions in the
wiki, but the mixture of purely descriptive and as normative intended
pages would cause confusion.

By "normative" do you mean prescriptive?

I do mean "normative".

I have considered to use the pair of notions "descriptive -
prescriptive", but there is potential to confuse the terms on
superficial reading. I also understand "prescriptive" to have a
derogative connotation, and I do not intend to express that.

For the pair of notions "positive - normative" the meaning (according to
e.g. Wikipedia
) is:

  normative - How something should be
  positive - How something actually is

That is exactly the meaning as settled on in the discussion: the purpose
of the wiki documentation was to tell how the tagging is used. However,
given that "positive" is a very general term, I have used the pair
"descriptive - normative".

Best regards,


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