
see also
(Tagging Goverance) and upfollowing discussion. Some of you and I
mentioned that it might be necessary to switch from a mailing list
"tagging" to another communication platform like Gitlab (or other git
flavored/like system), a forum, wiki or creating an own platform. In
this e-mail I will write you about the latter option because I find it
interesting but also a risky step.

Why it's interesting to have and build an own platform for "tagging"
and why it has some (dis)advantages.
First the disadvantages:
1. We need a group of developers we can trust, who do it voluntary and
who are part of the OSM community. (see the idea-mockup in the attachment I 
created as an idea how it can but doesn't need to lock and work)
2. It needs to be maintained actively. That's actually the risky part I

Now the advantages:
1. Independence from outside
2. We can do what we want, build our very own modifications.
3. Integration within the other community channels throw integrations.

I don't want to say that we have all these (dis)advantages not when we
use existing systems. We can have other (dis)advantages with other
systems too. But we might have to take this step "creating our own
system", if we cannot find an existing system suitable for us. My
approach is not an "all-fitting nice solution" for all things related
Tagging Governance. Tagging Governance is complex. Beside the
discussion part which takes currently place in the mailing list it
makes its hand also dirty in voting, proposal writing, maintaining
proposal, announcing tagging changes (WeeklyOSM does a great job but we
might need an extra channel to communicate tagging changes (e.g. throw
tagging presets, editor tools like iD, JOSM, Vespucci, OSM Go)),
deprecation of tags, keeping wiki pages about tags up to date, keeping
presets up to date etc.


Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram

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