
This is very good news!

I updated the wiki. Lets integrate this in our editors.


-------- Original Message --------
From: Rodrigo Davies <rdav...@strava.com>
Sent: November 16, 2019 6:59:19 AM GMT+01:00
To: "pang...@riseup.net" <pang...@riseup.net>
Subject: Re: Permission to trace from heatmap

Hi pangoSE,

I chatted with our geo team and we don’t currently see a problem with you
continuing this practice. We’re big fans of OSM.

Out of interest, are you aware of this tool?


Rodrigo Davies
Senior Product Manager, Metro
Strava | San Francisco, USA

---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: <pang...@riseup.net>
> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 21:39
> Subject: Permission to trace from heatmap
> To: <tknig...@strava.com>
> Hi 😃
> I would love to improve OSM by tracing missing paths from your heatmap.
> Are you willing to permit this to OSM users?
> Currently OSM is the best outdoor map in Sweden but unfortunately a lot of
> paths is still missing in my area.
> I would love to use your heatmap to help me trace and visit new paths and
> add them to the map.
> Note that in 2014 we got the permission from Paul Mach, Former Director of
> Strava Labs:
> "https://twitter.com/paulmach/status/455182880306905088
> Guillaume Rischard: «OK to use heatmap in JOSM editor?»
> Paul Mach, Former Director of Strava Labs: «Feel free to use the heatmap
> tiles for any map editing»
> 13 apr 2014"
> I believe that this is win-win situation for Strava and OSM. Strava could
> increase their brand recognition and realize better quality maps if this
> were permitted. A lot of OSM-contributors are potential Strava users also.
> There are literally millions of OSM contributors.
> I look forward to you response and hope that you will give back to the
> community by allowing this use of the wonderful heatmap.
> Cheers
> pangoSE

Rodrigo Davies
Team Lead / Product Manager
San Francisco, CA | U.S.A

metro.strava.com <http://www.metro.strava.com/>

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