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> On 12. Jan 2020, at 22:28, Alan Mackie <> wrote:
> The elephant in the room here is that this is a project founded in London in 
> (British) English.  Regardless of the 'name' tag, all the main tags are 
> themselves written in English, the official wording of the license is in 
> English, the primary documentation is in English, the historical discussions 
> about standard practice, most of the tools,  etc. etc. etc.. Changing the 
> 'façade' on international objects will not change this underlying fact, and I 
> don't think there is good enough a reason to.

if you dig deeper, you can see that OpenStreetMap is not only British, there 
have been some other influences as well, despite the language mostly looking 
like English 

> OpenStreetMap is open source, the whole thing can be machine translated into 
> Esperanto, Klingon or Latin if you like, all you have to do is fork it. I 
> suspect the forked project will see far less use, especially if you choose a 
> niche constructed language that never really caught on.

and you would not get a Klingon project but a British one in Klingon language 

Cheers Martin 
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