
On 04.02.20 14:10, Colin Smale wrote:
>> The Geofabrik download server has full history files for every region it
>> offers. Unlike the non-history extracts. these files are only available
>> for users who log in with their OSM user name.
> Aah, thanks Frederik, I didn't know about this. But the text on the site
> seems to imply that it is only for "internal use" and I cannot use this
> data for a public service, e.g. a website to animate changes in admin
> boundaries. Can I get round that by cleaning out certain data?

Hm, the wording is a bit unfortunate really. Of course this "internal
use only" applies to the personal data in the file which according to
(the LWG's interpretation of) the GDPR is ok to use for OSM's own
purposes but not for blasting it out into the world. The
non-personal-data history is free for everyone to use, and Geofabrik
*could* actually make two different history files available, one with
and one without user data, it's just that these files are a niche
interest anyway so we thought one version is sufficient.

This means that if you derive anything like an animated map from the
data, that's totally fine; only if you were to publish something that
involves user data should you think twice about your data protection


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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