oops, Aaron, I'm afraid I was not clear in at least one of my statements.  so sorry.

On 06/02/2020 15:42, Aaron Young wrote:
but also checks with the local community, if there is any,
what special agreements rule in the local community.  for Panamá, I
would like to have such activities listed in a dedicated page in the

This is doable and we try, without making an excuse, it is hard to determine who to coordinate with in “each” community.  This may be because mappers are active, not active, want to be communicative and others don’t.  I would also be hesitant to agree to “special agreements” which might take away from the idea of open, free data for all to utilize.  Utilizing the main OSM wiki for editing standards is preferred, with limited country specific editing guidelines.  This creates a more global map for all.

when I speak of special agreements, I refer to the contents, not to the licenses.  like what do we do in a case like … (here comes the description of the case).  osm is IMO very north-centric: not only does it speak British English all over the place, in the terms to use, but also in the concepts it implements.  take "village green".  I've been using in Panama because there's a lot of places with open space not belonging to anybody in particular. but go to the description in the wiki, and you get the impression that OSM is made for-and-by the blind British retired high rank military.


"special agreements" on how to use tags and values, that's what I meant.  possibly with pictures.  think of Highway Tag Africa.

also, again thinking of Panama, most places get at least 4000mm rain yearly, some ~6000mm, Pacific weather pattern is different from Caribbean, the so called Cordillera Central is a transition zone with the worst of the two sides, and then there's Herrera-Los Santos with possibly 1500mm/year.  any road with 'surface:ground' absolutely needs an indication of the period when it can be expected to be usable.  'ford:yes' also need that.  'incline' can be of great help.

that's just what me as a newcomer to the place can think of.  I'm not sure where to find this information other than coming here and observing yourself.

[…] Example from South Africa (we started this after Panama): https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/South_Africa#Kaart_Groundwork_.26_Mapping

interesting, not enough people here in Panama for so much work, but interesting.  chapeau!



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