> “ we refuse to allow a wiki page about an item, but instead demand that
each key page go through a proposals process”

This is incorrect. Anyone can make a new wiki page for a tag, and it
happens several times a day on average. There are more new Tag: and Key:
pages than new proposal pages.

I did not say anything against creating wiki pages to document tags. When I
last asked about this, it was clear that most people think it is fine to
“Any Tags You Like” by creating new wiki
pages for any tag you have used.

But I am unhappy with the bot creating Item:Q#### pages which are essential
blank: they only have the key=value and the item Q code.

What do you see as the benefit for creating such a data Item page for any
tag which has been used merely a dozen times and has not been documented

The claim above is that mappers should be able to add a description or
translation or in JOSM or iD directly, but couldn’t the Item:Q* page be
created at that time?

-Joseph Eisenberg
talk mailing list

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