Congrats on the anniversary :)

I am really happy with this map - it's not just useful for planning trips,
but also for bicycle advocacy work, as well as for convincing people who
need to make policy decisions that OSM data is what they need.

Op za 29 feb. 2020 om 18:03 schreef Florimond Berthoux <>:

> Hello everyone 🥳
> I'm happy to announce the new version of CyclOSM v0.3.4.
> It's been one year we're developing this new cycle map, and six months
> since we have a world rendering on thanks to
> OpenStreetMap France.
> Our aim is still to create a map that can be used every day by every
> cyclists.
> We're trying to exploit the OSM data the most possible to propose the more
> detail cycle features and help people to map.
> I'd like to present you a short change list of the work done this last six
> months:
> v0.2
> Now rendering highway=path with bicycle=designated almost as a cycleway
> and if there is segregated=yes, then as a cycleway with a footway border.
> v0.3
> Render cycleway=shared_lane in the same way as a shared busway. Both are
> third-quality cycle infrastructure.
> Add an icon for fords.
> Distinguish covered bicycle/motorcycle parkings.
> Now uses a semi-transparent layer for hillshading.
> v0.3.2
> Fill in grey roads without bicycle access.
> Render man_made=water_tap + drinking_water=yes as a drinking water point.
> Render man_made=monitoring_station + monitoring:bicycle=yes
> Render aerialway.
> Render motorways where cycling is allowed in very pale red.
> v0.3.3
> Draw motorroads as not cyclable.
> Render access/bicycle=private roads as not bikable (grey).
> v0.3.4
> Render amenity=charging_station designed for bicycles.
> Render administrative boundaries.
> Add conditional text along the way for
> bicycle|vehicle|access|motor_vehicle:conditional.
> Full change log can be found here:
> The map is now available by default in the following smartphone
> applications:
> OSMAnd
> OpenMultiMaps
> All-In-One Offline Maps and AlpineQuest Rando GPS
> You can follow us on twitter
> Comments and contributions are always welcome in order to make this map
> usefull for every cyclists.
> Best regards.
> --
> Florimond Berthoux
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