mmd wrote:
> I'm wondering if some of the changes that are now needed for AIR
> would make it more difficult to switch to Ruffle later on.

The short answer is (based on the POC work I've done so far) no. :)
The slightly longer answer is that I hope, as part of this project,
to make a number of changes that are not directly AIR-related but
will make P2 maintenance more sustainable into the future.

> I'm a bit worried about AIR being (too) difficult to install
> and run for an average Potlatch user, but that's just a gut feeling.

Couple of things here. One is that AIR isn't any more difficult to
install than Flash Player, but with the difference that it doesn't
break every time there's a browser upgrade and the browser
manufacturer tries to get you to switch it off. The other is that
2020's P2 users, contrary to the cliche of 2010, are actually pretty
skilled and experienced (by definition the beginner users use iD
these days) - many of them have a four-figure number of
changesets - so installing AIR shouldn't be beyond them.

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