To nip this one in the bud:

No one employed by Mapbox is currently working on iD. Quincy, the current iD 
maintainer and lead developer, doesn’t and has never worked for Mapbox. Mapbox 
won’t receive any funding from this.


> On 2 Aug 2020, at 14:50, JB <> wrote:
> So, with sarcasm (at least half-)on, and english not being my mothertongue: 
> the osm2pgsql/Nomatim/Potlatch grants were just Troyan horses to enable the 
> OSMF funding of (ex or not ex?) Mapbox developer, with contributors not 
> screaming too loudly? And explaining the iD conflict resolution process that 
> was proposed lately (and, surprise, accepted by Mapbox iD developers)?
> Much thanks to the iD developers for having kept long, trustful and peaceful 
> relationships with the community over the years of iD development.
> Just saying out loud what some people may or may not think, but would not 
> dare to write. It does not expect answers.
> JB.
> Le 02/08/2020 à 13:44, Mikel Maron a écrit :
>> Hello
>> The OSMF board is working to make OSM's core software and infrastructure 
>> more stable and sustainable by supporting paid roles for priority needs, 
>> such as the Senior Site Reliability role 
>> (, 
>> and the pilot to fund "OSM Infrastructure" projects 
>> (
>> As part of this focus, we want to organise coordinated funding to support 
>> continued maintenance and development of the iD editor, as iD's strong 
>> continuous development over the past several years has served the OSM 
>> community well. Quincy Morgan is iD's maintainer and lead developer. 
>> Unfortunately, full-time support of his work recently ended. He'd very much 
>> like to continue, and the OSMF Board wants to see that happen. He has 
>> written up this proposal 
>> (
>>  with his ideal plans for iD over the next year, along with notes about how 
>> he'll organise, grow the developer base, communicate, and set priorities, 
>> and make iD better. The final priorities for the year will be made in 
>> consultation with the community.
>> To help fund this project, as well as the SSRE role, we're looking at 
>> earmarked donations from companies, chapters and organisations. 
>> Administratively, we believe this is easier than other methods of pooled 
>> funding, as the OSMF is already in most companies' procurement systems, and 
>> it would limit paperwork to one contract for iD. Initial contract would be 
>> for 1 year, and that's what the OSMF would look to raise now.
>> With the OSMF holding the contract, the Board would take a key 
>> accountability role, reviewing work done on the contract and assessing 
>> progress on the plans Quincy develops for the project. Additionally, the 
>> OSMF is working in cooperation with Quincy to establish a formal appeal 
>> process 
>> (
>>  for the relatively rare community issues iD cannot resolve itself.
>> The OSMF would not see its role as a traditional "boss", instructing iD to 
>> focus on this or that feature. We would not be prescriptive about 
>> priorities. This does not mean work in a vacuum. Our expectation is that 
>> Quincy, in addition to following our hiring framework's principles for 
>> transparent service to the community, would regularly convene stakeholders 
>> from the community to share their priorities and feedback. Quincy would 
>> assess all priorities holistically as he decides on a workable plan for the 
>> project.
>> Over the course of the year, we'll evaluate and learn from how the 
>> arrangement is working for all, as we look towards year 2 and beyond. For 
>> future years, we are looking at developing an overall plan for long-term 
>> support for all parts of the OSMF infrastructure. We want to be able to 
>> offer similar support to other OSM editors. Our early focus on iD is to 
>> ensure continued development.
>> We want to find out what you, the OSM community, think. Do you have any 
>> feedback?
>> If you know of an organisation that might want to fund this, please feel 
>> free to ask them to contact the OSMF Board.
>> -Mikel, for the OSMF Board
>> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
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