On Nov 28, 2022, at 5:57 AM, Maarten Deen <md...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Your remark seems reasonable ;)
Thanks, Maarten, I’m chuckling with mirthful laughter here.

> Thing is: this is not meant as a bot, so the usual caveats apply.
That IS an important consideration; thanks for highlighting that aspect.  I 
didn’t know there were / are “usual caveats,” and if there are some, they 
should be widely known, especially by people who discuss these things in a 
place, manner and time such as “this, here and now."

> It just serves as a highlight of "something might be wrong here", like so 
> many QA tools do. What the user wielding the QA tool does with that is his 
> choice.
> Does he automatically correct it? Wrong for OSM standards, but who is going 
> to stop him. Just like who is stopping anyone using a QA tool and 
> armchairmapping something that he really can not see from a distance.

I’m aware of this distinction and again, it is important.  Among others (OSMCha 
[1], there are any number of such tools...), I use Geofabrik's excellent OSM 
Inspector [2], which “merely shows,” (and superbly) rather than “and fixes, 
too."  Perhaps another example will help:  JOSM’s Validator tool gives the 
opportunity (between clicking the Upload button and actual data being uploaded 
to OSM) to review “flagged” problems, some as mild Warnings which could be 
ignored (but shouldn’t be), some as more serious Errors which really ought to 
be solved.  For some of these problems, JOSM is clever enough to “light up” 
(activate in its user interface) a “Fix” button which is smart enough to “take 
the right OSM actions” to actually fix the problem.  This is great when 
available, as it solves the tedium of manually doing something which can be 
automated (so, click the Fix button).  And, as JOSM (and OSM) develop, while 
more and more identified problems are automatically-solvable, some certainly 
are not, and so the Fix button remains dimmed, meaning “these must be fixed 
manually.”  That’s the distinction I’m making here:  I haven’t analyzed Lukas’ 
code to see where / when / whether (and how) he does this (and again, there are 
certainly cases where this MIGHT be possible, and where it is, great, do so).  
I am simply saying “there are times and places where an automated tool CAN fix 
things” (like naming nameless highways…though this really IS tricky, speaking 
from personal experience), and there are absolutely times and places where it 
can’t.  Both tool developers (especially) and also, those who wield such tools 
must be aware of this “sometimes we can, sometimes we can’t” distinctions.

And I’m not saying Lukas has done this, but in this realm (and because I know a 
couple things about “quality” and “mapping” I can say this):  it is all-to-easy 
to glibly make assumptions which are better left not made.  Especially in the 
context of OSM, wider vetting (exactly what Lukas is asking for here) is 
exactly what is needed.  Though, as we get wider input that includes “seems 
reasonable,” I urge caution.  I’ll stop here, as I don’t want to repeat myself.

[1] https:osmcha.org
[2] https://tools.geofabrik.de

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