Le 15.03.23 à 10:21, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
I'd prefer "surface:material" compared to "material", it is in modest use (800) https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/surface%3Amaterial <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/surface%3Amaterial>
because the "highway" represents not just the surface.

I think this needs discussion on tagging
short version: although I agree that those values are bad ("marble"
isn't linked to a quality, some are grooved and others smooth which is catastrophic in rainy weather), several other values (e.g. asphalt, concrete) describe the material used for the surface layer with the same problem.

If we want to be coherent, we should at least create values for "concrete:lanes", "concrete:plate" and "block" and think about
what's the goal of the surface tag

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