xquery version "3.0";
The task is to display things in descending order of the number of times
they occur.

New Effort

import module namespace sp="urn:xxxxxxxxxx.com" at 'common.xqm';

for $thing  in
  group by $name:=$thing/@name
      let $count:=count($thing)
      order by $count descending
      return <thing name="{$name}" count="{$count}" />}

In New Effort, my post-grouping tuple should consist of the grouping key
and a sequence of n $things where n is the number of of  $thing for that
grouping key.
I aim to capture that in the let so that I can order by it when outputing.

However the ordering does is ineffective and I get the same output as
Original effort below which makes no attempt to order.

Original Effort

xquery version "3.0";

import module namespace sp="urn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com" at 'common.xqm';

for $thing in
  group by $name:=$thing/@name

      return <thing name="{$name}" count="{count($thing)}" />}

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