
The name change didn't work for Prince.
 Why you guys think you are different.?

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 9:02 AM Ghislain Fourny <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We are happy to announce that Rumble, formerly known as Sparksoniq, has
> made it to beta, as we found it stable and usable enough.
> Rumble is for large, heterogeneous and nested JSON datasets that do not
> fit in DataFrames, nevertheless with JSONiq (XQuery's little brother)
> providing the same high-level experience as Spark SQL, mapping FLWOR
> expressions to Spark transformations seamlessly.
> It is open source and available for download on as a
> small standalone 2MB jar to be used with spark-submit on a cluster, but it
> also works just as well locally to spread the workload on all your CPU
> cores.
> What's new:
> - Now billions of lines can also be manipulated as sequences of strings
> with text-file() and FLWORs. It makes easy to convert for example CSV to
> your own JSON on a lot of records.
> - more pushdowns to Spark.
> - richer function library.
> - more bugs fixed (character escaping, serialization, etc).
> Enjoy!
> Kind regards,
> Ghislain
> _______________________________________________

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