Mejuah-juah kerina permilis sirulo. Enda kubahan sitik renungan bas soal si 
enggo isingetken Bang KT bas milista. Man bangku enda jadi nggugah pikiren soal 
kemalasan dan hardship serta semangat perjuangan dan semangat bekerja. 
"Mejuah-juah kalimbubu!
 Kurang jelas ku akap pernyataanndu enda: mbera enda ula 'A Game as old as 
Empire' atau sumbangan neolib model Economic Hit Men John Perkins untuk 
cawapres Boedionao gubernur berkuasa penuh IMF. 
 Bicara bahasndu secara mendetilkal pe cocok nge.
Bang KT"
Mejuah-juah anak-beru Bang KT dan semua permilis la megogo la erndobahen.
Payo ka nge tuhu, kai si kupostingken banci ikataken jelas labo jelas hehehe . 
. . Maksudku ngataken tuhu-tuhu la jelas. Bas bayangenku ndai enggo me kerina 
ngantusi, tapi enda me gelarna bayangen subjektif. Teringet ka aku biasana kita 
Karo 'siangkaan' ninta, kai sikataken ngarapken enggo i antusi kalak sideban 
secara implisit nina kin. Adi bas aku enda ku akui saja secara explisit: 
kemalasan. Gelah dung saja. Tapi ngarapken hasilna mbue ka. Sifat kai kin enda 
gelarna, ma enggo ka nge kita siangkaan hehehe. Lopadah ndauh ukuri, kemalasan, 
kemalasan, kemalasan . . . cari gampang saja. Enda me situhuna, secara explisit 
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace, nina sada kalimat serenity prayer 
Niebuhr. Megati ka ndauh tangkelenku kuje, hardship, hardship, . . . bage lit 
kegeluhen mis mulgap hardship. Tapi adi accepting saja hardship bagi sikataken 
Niebuhr ntah labo lit ertina, peace ndai tah labo rehreh, kecuali adi kai si 
reh enggo si anggap peace. Adi bagenda enggo pasti peace, dunia enda peace 
ngenca isina. Tapi mungkin kin enda? Ih . . .labo mugkin. Pertama sebabna emkap 
pengertian peace enda saja pe kapken labo lit adi la lit perang, pas kang adi 
nggeluh labo mungkin siantusi  adi la siantusi kai ertina mate. Maka hardship 
enda ndai la cukup adi iterima saja, tapi harus itingkatkan sebagai tantangan. 
Adi enggo seh ku je terpaksa lit semangat, energi bagepe sura-sura. Megati lolo 
dahinta perbahan ateta ngelakken hardship adah ndai, cari jalan pintas. Melala 
etnis/bangsa si la mbiar hardship. Menjadikan hardship sebagai tantangan, dan 
secara rutin. Uga kita Karo?
 Lit kin si man ubahen bas kita soal hardship enda ndai?
Eak, anak beru Tarigan Mergana kam kerina, ras permilis sirulo la erndobahen 
kerina. Maaf ka sitik ningku gia, adi enggo bagi ngalor ngidul ka enda, 
melalasa si man belasen piah lupa siman belasen. 
Soal bantuan Rp5M, mbera ula je tangan "A Game as old as Empire" terbitan 2007, 
atau tangan EHM (Economic Hit Men terbitan 2004). Dua buku enda kapken 
njelasken man dunia uga situhuna 'ekonomi global' idalanken orang-orang pilihan 
sebagai hit men (tukang pukul ekonomi). Melala kita la mettehsa ise dibalik 
layar janah kai situhuna maksudna. Ibas programna lit kang soal "rigged 
election" (manipulasi pemilihan supaya orangnya menang), "foreign aid", 
"international development" dsb. Berkat dua buku enda enggo muat lalana si 
ngantusi kai terjadi dibalik layar, janah labo ngenca bage, tapi enggo ka lit 
dalan uga ngatasi persekongkolan global enda sambil sitik ka mereken harapan 
man kemanusiaan ras perkembangan dunia. Anak-anak mudanta bagepe mahasiswa + 
kerina pejuang negeri berkembang seh randalna adi pe la wajib ngoge buku enda. 
I teruh enda ku ikutken lampiran pengantar dari publisher.
Bujur ras mejuah-juah kita kerina. 
A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of 
Global Corruption (Hardcover)
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
John Perkins's sensational New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic 
Hit Man (more than 300,000 sold) revealed just the tip of the iceberg of the 
secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption. Now more 
economic hit men and investigators tell the whole shocking story. 

>From the Publisher
Review by Common Ground Magazine
March, 2007
Written by Adrian Zupp 
In 2004, John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman created waves, spoke 
the unspeakable and became a New York Times bestseller. In it Perkins came 
clean about how he'd helped US intelligence agencies and multinationals exploit 
the economies of Third World nations. A Game As Old As Empire - for which he 
wrote the introduction - is the follow-up, and this time a wide variety of 
in-the-know authors corroborate and expand upon Perkins' story. And it's 
frightening stuff. 
In plain language - and providing sufficient historical background - we are 
shown how First Word countries have used "economic hit men," institutions like 
the World Bank and IMF, coercion and even outright strong-arm tactics to steal 
from the developing countries - often in collusion with the elites of those 
countries who are happy to hide their ill-gotten gain in offshore accounts. 
A Game As Old As Empire is well referenced, very readable and perversely 
entertaining. Hard data is combined with first-person narratives and the 
machinations of international economics are made accessible for the layperson. 
And the book goes one step further by offering hope and practical advice. The 
chapter "Global Uprising: The Web of Resistance" by policy-analyst Antonia 
Juhasz sheds light on how people can change the corruption and help create a 
better world. There is also an appendix: "Resources for Hope." 
With chapters such as "The Human Cost of Cheap Cell Phones" and "Hijacking 
Iraq's Oil Reserves," Game has a conscience-pricking currency. 
This is an important book that should be read by anyone who wants to know how 
the world is run to the advantage of the wealthy few and the malicious 
disadvantage of the many poor. 

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